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We offer variety of workshops periodically throughout the year.  

These masterclasses are offered in addition to individual tuition at MMC and with a specific industry focus in design. Expert advice and guest speakers are all part of enhancing your workshop experience.


Songwriting & Performance Workshops

Experience what it's like to be a real rockstar!

At either our music school Brisbane location, Logan or Northern Gold Coast Studio - co-write and record your very own song with industry professionals at your disposal. Studio Producer and Engineer and your own vocal coach guiding you through the whole process to get the results you deserve.  Whether it's performing live or recording, MMC offer a comprehensive range of workshops that cover various aspects of performance. From choreography, microphone/stagecraft techniques, songwriting, artist development, preparation and practise methods to overcoming stage fright. Workshops are taken in small select groups according to skill level and or age depending on numbers applying. Workshops encourage rapid growth and learning from others has many obvious advantages.

Record Your
Own Song Demo

Intensive and liberating recording session to record song of your choice.

Image by Nick Karvounis

Our Music School Brisbane or Logan make your weekly lessons work for you by utilising your teacher to prepare your song choice ready for studio recording session and then be there to support you on the day. Qualified producer/technician and your teacher will give you a one hour masterclass to aid you in recording your voice or instrument at your very best. Showing you tips and techniques that are different when recording to performing live.  Intensive and liberating recording session to record song of your choice, which is presented with your very own signature label, music professional mixed and ready to play and promote you on cd.  

Choir Class

Full Weekend Workshops

Are you a singer? Do you play an instrument? Did you play an instrument in your teenage years and just need to dust off the old guitars and drum sticks?

Or indeed, do you just fancy being a Rock Star for the weekend?  This offer is open to any one over the age of 8, and in true Rock School style, we would love to see some slightly 'more mature' participants! And remember... you can be a COMPLETE BEGINNER!


With the guidance of a teacher, who has many years of experience in the music business, you will have the opportunity to;

  • Form a band, play or sing solo,  polish a couple of your favourite cover songs

  • Rehearse in front of your peers and brush up on your performance techniques, all in time for the live performance main event

  • Benfits include developing self–expression, confidence through constructive critique, improving creativity and professional and personal development


Our Music School Brisbane or Logan provides full sound system - so just bring your instrument, plug in, mic up, take your seat - and let's jam! You will perform your songs in front of a live audience of friends and family... all students pre-purchase 4 tickets to event to cover hire costs and expenses and Multiplay offer incentives on how to learn and promote yourself for your gigs. Our concerts have always proved to be an occasion to remember!


Audition Masterclasses

Image by Jefferson Santos

These workshops cover all aspects of performance technique including stage movement, microphone technique, creating your stage image, connecting with the song & audience, what to expect when auditioning. Welcome! Having mastered the art of auditioning herself and voted #2 by the public audience on the 1st Popstars series, Jodie-Joy’s career was launched when selected down to the last 10 in Australia. Her career has gone from strength to strength and now offers her experiences and program to other aspiring artists. Reality TV shows still contact MMC to audition/perform today and some students have progressed on Australia’s got talent and X-factor.  


All our teachers are professional entertainers  and auditioners! as well as qualified teachers and know all about auditioning so come learn from the best and we will give you the confidence you need to breakthrough.  They have much to teach including those little tricks and secrets that can help you be ahead of the rest.

Singer Performing Live

Live Performance Opportunities

Imagine showing off your talent in a concert with a real sound tech, a professional MC and a live audience! Your concert features all styles of music in a choreographed performance, giving you the opportunity to hone your skills in front of a real live audience and star in front of your family and friends. Music School Brisbane / Logan offer live performance opportunities at our end of year concert and professionally paid performances to hand selected students according to skill level.


Check out our facebook for auditions, competitions and other ametuer and professional performance opportunities! Multiplay Music Centre is the hub for passionate performers and is about connecting students to the entertainment industry at all levels.  Our reputation precides us and we are contacted by reality TV agents like Australia's Got Talent, record label management and producers for reccomending talent regularly.  When we can help - we will. Performance coaching and artist development is our passion. See you at our studios Brisbane singing lessons at West End, Logan Studios or North Gold Coast Studio

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